Here is a topic I've had trouble with since my Sunday School days as a child. This is from the writings of Myrtle Fillmore, although it reads like something out of 'The Secret' or some other new spiritual thinking.
"Sometimes we pray to a God outside of ourselves. [but]
"It is the God in the midst of us that frees and heals. With our eye of faith we must see God in our flesh, see that wholeness for which we are praying in every part of the body temple. 'Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you? ... glorify God therefore in your body.'
"... We commune with God-Mind within our own consciousness. Prayer is an exercise to change our own thought habits and our living habits, that we may set up a new and better activity, in accord with the divine law rather than with the suggestions we have received from various sources. We do not prove that we expect our prayers to be answered by going on doing the things we have been doing.
"Prayer, then, is to change mind and heart so that God's omnipresent good may fill our mind and heart and manifest in our life. If we do not keep on thinking in accord with the prayers we have made, we do not get good results. For all thought is formative; all thought has its effect in our life. When some of our thought energy is expended in negative beliefs and feelings, and we show that we have old mental habits in the subconscious mind, we get those old negative results - even when we are praying daily and when others are praying for us."
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