First Person Affirmations from Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer © 1976
Chapter 12 "Portrait of a Person Who Has Eliminated All Erroneous Zones" pages 234 to 243 written in third person; translated by me into first person to make affirmations. This is Dyer’s description of how people who are free from all erroneous zone thinking and behavior function:
I live now, rather than in the past or the future. I am not threatened by the unknown, and I seek out experiences that are new and unfamiliar to me. I love ambiguity. I savor the now at all times, aware this is all I have. I don’t plan for a future event and let long periods of inactivity elapse awaiting that event. … I get pleasure out of my daily life. I am not a postponer, saving for a rainy day, and while our culture disapproves my behavior, I am not threatened by reproach. I gather my happiness now, and when a future-now arrives, I gather in that one as well. I am always enjoying because I see the folly of waiting to enjoy. It is a natural way of living, very much like a child or an animal. I am busy grabbing present-moment fulfillment. …
This is the first of twenty affirmations. Next one is on Independence. So stay tuned.
Love and Blessings on your Journey