The purse on her shoulder is the purse I'm using now.
Misplaced my keys this AM and wouldn't you know it, Sharon came over for a few minutes and found them in seconds. She's amazing at that. Oh, yes, they were in the cushions of the couch. Why didn't I look there? I went through the house, my purse got strip searched (and discarded), I even checked the car, it was locked so was hoping they weren't in there.
So keys restored and carrying a new purse. Well, it's actually one of my mother's purses that I inherited after she died last May. It's the first time I've used it. Smaller, but nicely organised with compartments. I can think even more often about mom by carrying it. Thanks mom, for everything you did for me over the 65 years of being my mom. I sure miss you.
After seeing the preview on another film, I ordered from Netflix the recent DVD of Charlie Bartlett. It's one of the best teen flicks I've ever seen. Which isn't saying much since teen themes are not on the top of my genre list, but this is an extremely well-cast (with Anton Yelchin and Robert Downing, Jr., etc.) , and has a good story flow. Compare to Ferris Bueller film. Laughs and tears in about equal portion.
On the same topic of films the new release The Curious Case of Benjamin Button with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett sounds like a premise I'm interested in. Sharon told me about it after hearing about my post on 'living life backwards'. John was interested enough to say he'd take me to a showing on Sunday or Monday night as part of Valentine's gift. The preview online looks good. They usually do, eh? But it's the premise that interests me and maybe the nostalgic ambience too.
Good news on the doctor front. The heart specialist says no problems with mine and he gave the green light on knee operation. Pre-op will be the week prior.