Friday, November 14, 2008

To send a Christmas letter or not?

On a whim, I wrote a Christmas letter last night . I don't usually like the holiday-one-letter-fits-all. Some I've received over the years have down right pissed me off. But I fell under the spell of wanting to connect with the people I don't see at all, or at best, once, since the previous Christmas. A plain card, even signed with dearly meant love, is still just a greeting like you'd give the grocery clerk and I want to let these friends and family know that my everyday life with daughters, pets, and ex-husband is still lively and full of moments of happy events. Thus, the letter.
It was a lot of work. First some hand written ideas, then into Word to compose, then 1st draft printed, revised, 2nd draft printed, revised, and so on. So I get the draft I like with clipart and font of choice, on one page that fits. So I print a few up. They look pretty good, sound alright, but then I find out from my daughter Sharon that I've got my other daughter Wendy's colt, misnamed. So, does it matter? Well to Wendy and the colt himself it does. Sharon says, "Just right it in on her copy, Mum." I guess that's what I'll do. So, anyone reading this who gets the letter should know that the colt's name is not Cody, but Comanche.
"May the real spirit of Christmas - the giving of self to life - enter and abide in you now and through time." - Dr. Ernest Holmes

Humor and Laughter

First person affirmations taken from Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

I know how to laugh, and how to create laughter. I find humor in virtually all situations and can laugh at the most absurd as well as the most solemn of occasions. I love to make others laugh and create humor. I am not a serious, ponderous person who plows through life with a strong grimness. I am a doer, often scorned for being frivolous at the wrong time. I do not have good timing for I know there is really no such thing as the right time in the right place. I love the incongruous, yet I am unhostile in my humor; never, but never using ridicule to create laughter. I don't laugh at people, I laugh with them. I do laugh at live and see the whole thing as fun, even though I am deliberate in my own pursuits. When I look back at life, I know I'm not going any place in particular and I'm able to enjoy and create an atmoshpere in which others can choose joy for themselves. I'm fun to have around.