mall group this month: Bonnie, Mary and myself. Bonnie brought her Corelight assigned book Power vs. Force by David Hawkins. Bonnie mentioned that Ann Cowles had talked about this book with enthusiasm and several of us at the Center have read it. I talked about the author Barbara Cleverly, a British writer of mystery stories, who gives me, as reader,the reward of her knowledge in ancient times and beliefs, especially concerning goddesses, saints, and other powerful women leaders. Current title: Bright Hair Against the Bone.
Mary had the book: Creating a World Without Poverty. She says it reads a little dry, as you might expect, but has the most wonderful ideas for changing the world; with micro loans to women and the whole movement of Social Business. Mary read certain parts of the book to us, like the 16 points the borrowers must agree to. I got excited hearing these quotes (I have a copy of the book ordered) and Bonnie was moved to tears.