I'm putting away the heavy whipped cream and butter that I bought at Safeway (for a sauce that goes with the chunky apple cake I baked yesterday for the potluck at church tomorrow) , so I have the refrigerator door open. While doing so, I decide to have a couple eggs for lunch so I open the egg shelf door.
That's when the cat decides he needs my attention. He starts to rub up against my ankles, which, since I am busy thinking about getting out the eggs, startles me, and yes, you guessed it, I drop the carton of eggs on the floor.
It was a carton of 18 and there were 12 left before the accident. 4 were lost to the not so clean floor and I wiped them up with a kitchen towel. At least that spot looks pretty clean now. As for the rest of the eggs, 6 were cracked and I saved them to a bowl, and 2, apparently thick-shelled eggs go back onto the egg shelf. Now I think to myself, I want to use these 6 eggs in the bowl, so I look up a cake recipe that uses 4 eggs and start making the cake.
Now I know I should have done the cups and spoons that were soaking in soapy water in the sink first, but, I didn't. I wanted to get the cake in the oven and over with before the day got warm. What I really wanted was to go lay back on the couch and read my book, but can't waste eggs and don't trust leaving them out of their shell for too long. So, I start the cake.
John comes in the kitchen and without checking if there were clean cups (out of my way) in the cupboard (there were), he reaches over my greased cake pan and grabs his black cup out of the sink of cold soapy water and trails the soapy water over my greased pan.
Thoughts of a solitary life in a remote place go through my head.
I whine to John, "Jahahn, you got soapy water in my greased pan!"
Silence you could cut with a cake knife.
Finally, John comes over to check the damage and I tell him, "I'll live," and re-grease the pan. I continue with the cake ingredients, But, I forgot the flavorings it called for, all 6 tsp. full. And I put all 6 of the broken eggs into the batter. The recipe said to bake at 275 degrees for 1 hour 45 minutes. (odd, eh?)
We'll see how the cake comes out.