The Newsflash is that Petey-pup had to go to the vet's office yesterday.
He was tranquilized and had a toe nail removed. It was my fault. I was on the front steps of the house, saying goodbye to my neighbors, Thomas and Bernadette, I stepped back onto his foot.
Yes, he screamed. I didn't believe that he was really hurt, since he tends to complain even when he thinks he might be hurt; but there was blood.
I didn't want to take him to the local veterinarian office because they have not shown me, or my dog, or my cat, politeness, let alone compassion. Getting his shots there is okay but not checking an injury. Well, I set off for Sierra Vista thinking we'd go to the new "Animal Care" building on Hwy 90. We stopped there all right but it turns out that that is the new City Animal Shelter. So on we went to the Apache Veterinarian Hospital on Hwy 92.
They took us right in. They were compassionate. They fixed him up in just over an hour. I had time to get some lunch down at the Country House while I waited. The whole thing happened just as I was getting ready to go out to the Copper Queen Hospital cafeteria. Missed that. But we're glad Petey's fixed up, good as new except for the loss of one toe nail on his front left side. And it only cost $140.