Friday, November 28, 2008

Our Purpose

Here's a piece I edited from Elizabeth Kubler Ross some years ago.
It can stand as what I truly believe!

Our Purpose

Whether or not we understand fully who we are,
or what happens when we die;
It is our purpose as human beings
to look within ourselves,
to find and build our individual
strength and understanding.
And then reach out to others,
with love, acceptance, and patient guidance;
in hope of what we may become together.

And this one is from the oft quoted "Author Unknown"

May Evening Find me Gentle

Give me a few friends who will love me for who I am
or am not.
Keep ever burning before my wandering steps
the kindly light of hope.
And though age and infirmity overtake me
and I come not in sight of the castle of my dreams,
teach me still to be thankful for life
and time's old memories
that are good and sweet.
And may the evening twilight find me gentle still.

Relationship and Expectations

Continuing with the affirmations from Dr. Dyer's Erroneous Zones:

I value honesty. I am not evasive with my responses.

I know that I'm in charge of my own world, and others are in charge of their own as well.

I deal with what is, rather than what I would like it to be.

I don't blame. I don't spend a great deal of time talking about others and focussing on what someone else has done or failed to do. [ I need to read that one often]

I have little concern with order, organization or system in my life. I have self-discipline but have no need to have things and people fit into my own perceptions of how everything ought to be. I do not see the world as having to be a certain way. I have no preoccupation with cleanliness and orderliness. I exist in a functional way and if everything isn't fitting in as I would prefer, I find that all right too. Because of this I can be creative.

I attack any concern in my own way, be it making a bowl of soup, writing a report, or mowing the grass. I apply my own imagination to the act, and the result is a creative approach to everything. I don't have to do it a certain way. I simply attack a problem as I see fit. This is creativity and I have it.