Morning brought many pains to start the new day. The least of which was the tight wrapped ribs and ankle cast. Her head and neck hurt something fierce. Daylight also brought Lt. Wilson to her hospital bedside. He tried to hide his annoyance with her as he questioned her for the second time.
"Well, Ms. Nuclett. I'm sorry to see you in this situation. Can you tell me what happened last night?"
He made her feel guilty without understanding why. Exactly. Should she tell him everything? Was her accident connected to Stan's death?
As if reading her thoughts, the lieutenant added, "It would be best if you told me everything you remember since you found Dr. Reed in the zoo infirmary."
She blurted out, "Last night someone ran me down from behind. I didn't see anything or anyone, any more than I saw anyone when Stan was shot. I don't know what's going on. I went to see Stan in the hospital and didn't see anything there either."
"You were at the hospital?" He looked around and pulled up the big chair and sat down. He went on, "Well, even if you didn't see anything, someone may think you did. They may want to get rid of you or just frighten you, in any case, it looks like you're in danger."
"In danger?"
It's one thing to think to yourself that you might be be a target and quite another to have the police tell you you are.
"This is serious, Ms. Nuclett. There's someone ruthless out there and they're likely working right there in your zoo. They want to stop you from exposing them. I know. I know, you don't think you know anything, but you were close enough to knowing something to be a threat. We need to go over everything that's happened, but this may not be the best time. For right now, please just tell me, in detail, what you remember of last night's attack."
"Attack. Good grief. Well, I was heading over to see Tommy when the storm blew in ..."
"Who's Tommy?"
"Tommy's the new baby giraffe."
She told him everything she could remember of that evening's events including about the person behind the mower that she thought had been watching her. They made an appoinment for him to come to her apartment the next day to go over the whole thing. He called in an order for a watch to stay outside her hospital room even though she was probably going to be released later today.
He was barely out the door when she decided to call Cass. She needed a friend to talk all this over with. When he came on the line she broke down crying and could hardly talk.
"Marigolden, what's wrong honey?"
She never could handle sympathy. She choked up even more. Just hearing that old nickname again. She finally gasped out, "I'm in the hospital, Cass."
"Hospital? Mari, are you all right" What happened, honey?"
"I'm Okay. A broken ankle and some cracked ribs. Someone ran me down at the zoo."
"You were in an accident?"
"The police don't think it was an accident, Cass. They think someone may be trying to kill me."
"Trying to kill you! Who the hell would want to kill you, Mari?"
"I don't know." She could tell he was upset because he never swore. She started crying again.
"Look, sounds like you need a friend. Shall I come out there? I can catch the next plane if you want me too, Marigolden."