When my grandson A.J. was 2 years old, I was in the habit of entertaining him with animal sounds. I think it started with a book he liked me to read to him about a character who was good at animal sounds but couldn't speak. Anyway, I worked at Arizona AAA back then (1991). His mom, Wendy, called me at work because A.J. wanted to talk to 'Amah'. That's what he still calls me (he's 20 now). A.J. indicated he would like me to make some animal sounds and being 'in the moment' I started right in. I did my wooh, wooh, wooh for a chimpanzee. Then I did my personal favorite, the crow: Aaaa, Aaaa, Aaaa. This is one I had practised in the great outdoors and it was LOUD!
My boss, a tolerant fellow, came out of his office across the room as if shot by a cannon, saying, "What the hell was that?"
I stood up and wide grinned him. He came over to me, eyebrows aloft, and merely said, "Please try to remember where you are, Carol."