I was finishing up Brad Meltzer's book The Book of Lies today and came across this bit on page 313:
" 'Wouldn't it be great if we could live life backwards? You start out dead and get that out of the way - then you wake up in old age and feel better every day. With each passing year, your illnesses disappear, and you get more hair, more handsome, more virile - and best of all, you keep getting younger, finally ending life as a fantastic orgasm.' "
As the father character says, the author meant it to be humorous, but it's interesting (to me) to ponder what that would be like; living backwards.
Seems to me you'd have to have first lived forward in order to have made the decisions that made up your life in the first place. Say that was the case. Then at a critical juncture, while living backwards, you see an important decision coming up that you could change. Perhaps you could change it and live forward again, just to see how that played out, then go back to living backwards again. Huh? Kind of a self-correcting life; a sort of post script?
Well, as you can see, I'm creating mind games. But if may be an interesting topic of conversation with certain of our family or friends perhaps. John and I had a good laugh talking about it.
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