I first heard about Dr. Jill from my friends Candace and Donna at our study group. They told me to google Jill Bolte Taylor and watch her video clip. I did and was quite moved. I put her name in my blog's video clips.
The more I listened to her talk about her stroke and what she, as a neuroanatomist, learned from it and her eight year recovery, the more I wanted to read her book. So I ordered it. It came on Christmas Day by way of a neighbor who got it at his address by mistake. In fact, Donna was here at my house to receive it since she was dog-sitting Petey for the day while Sharon, John and I were off in the P.T. to spend Christmas with A.J., Wendy, & Ray. I read it yesterday and now I want to order dozens of them to give out. But at $15 a crack, I probably won't. BUT, I'm hoping you will all get a copy of it and read it. It's amazing. There are five in the Cochise County Library system (all but one is checked out at the moment I write this).
I quote from pg. 139: "My two hemispheric personalities not only think about things differently, but they process emotions and carry my body in easily distinguishable ways. ... My right hemisphere is all about right here and now. It bounces around with unbridled enthusiasm and does not have a care in the world. It smiles a lot and is extremely friendly. In contrast, my left hemisphere is preoccupied with details and runs my life on a tight schedule. It is my more serious side. It clenches my jaw and makes decisions based upon what it learned in the past. It defines boundaries and judges everything as right/wrong or good/bad. ...
My right mind is all about the richness of this present moment. It is filled with gratitude for my life and everyone and everything in it. It is content, compassionate, nurturing, and eternally optimistic. To my right mind character, there is no judgment of good/bad or right/wrong, so everything exists on a continuum of relativity." ... "One of the greatest blessings I received as a result of this hemorrhage is that I had the chance to rejuvenate and strengthen my neurocircuits of innocence and inner joy."
I had a minor stroke almost six years ago and ever since have been fearful of the possibility that I would have another more severe one. Now I am not afraid. Thank you Dr. Jill.
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