Thursday, November 13, 2008


To continue the First Person Affirmations from Your Erroneous Zones
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer © 1976

I do not attempt to shock others, or to gain their approval. I am internally directed; literally unconcerned about others evaluation of my behavior. I am not oblivious to applause and approval; I just don't need it. I can be almost blunt in my honesty since I do not couch my messages in carefully worded phrases designed to please. If you want to know what I think, that is exactly what you'll hear.
Conversely, when you say something about me I will not be destroyed ir immobilized. I will take the data you provide, filter it through my own values and use it for growth. I do not need to be loved by everyone, nor do I harbor an inordinate wish to be approved by all for everything I do. I recognize that I will always incur some disapproval.
I am not a rebel. I make my own choices even if those choices conflict with what everybody else does. I can ignore petty rules if they make no sense.
I am not defensive. I won't play games to try to impress others. I don't dress for other's approval, no do I go through the motions of explaining myself. I don't get seduced into making issues of small or big things. I'm not an arguer or a hot-headed debater; I simply state my views, listen to others, and recognize the futility of trying to convince someone else to my opinion. I simply say, "That's all right; we're just different. We don't have to agree." I let it go at that without any need to win an argument or persuade the opponent of the wrongness of his position. I am unafraid of giving a bad impression, but I don't strive to do so.

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